Friday, January 25, 2019

Week of January 28th Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful week!

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will be discussing inferencing. We will be making inferences about characters in books.
  • Writing: The students will be completing their animal research brochures. These brochures are completed in class and will be due on Friday.
  • Word Work: We will be discussing relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, that, and which) and when to use each relative pronoun. There will be an assessment on relative pronouns on Friday. Students WILL be able to use their journals as these rules are even confusing for adults! However, I would encourage the students to still practice using these words at home to review. Like my mom always told me, sometimes open note assessments are the hardest because you don’t think you need to study! 😊 We will have our vocabulary lesson 11 quiz on Friday.

  • Please make sure you child completes their Homework Response #11. This is due on Monday before your child comes to school.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a fabulous weekend! 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Week of January 22nd Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful week!

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will be discussing the three different types of non-fiction texts (scientific, historical, and technical).
  • Writing: We will be working on completing our rough drafts and final brochures for our animal research. Students will also get their new list of vocabulary words on Tuesday. Our next vocabulary quiz will be on Friday, February 1st.  
  • Word Work: Students will be given a new list of vocabulary words. We felt that students needed additional practice with prepositions. This is one of the more difficult parts of speech to understand. Please make sure your child is studying this at home. Students need to be able to identify and write prepositional phrases. There will be a preposition quiz on Friday.

  • There is no school on Monday as we will be observing MLK day.
  • Homework Response #10 is due on Tuesday. Please make sure your child has this complete when they come to school on Tuesday.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Have a wonderful, long weekend!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Week of January 14th Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful week! The students had a great time at the Fire Safety Village!

Next week in…
  • Reading- We will continue our discussion of nonfiction text features.
  • Writing- We will continue taking notes on the animals we are researching in class and begin creating our brochures.
  • Word Work- The vocab quiz on lesson 10 will be on Friday. Please make sure students are completing the activity sheet each week. The back side will be due on Thursday.

  • Please make sure your child is completing their Homework Responses at home. The HW Response #9 is due on Monday, which means it needs to be completed BEFORE they come to school on Monday.
  • Report Cards can be viewed online as of today.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Welcome Back!

Welcome back families and Happy New Year!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break with your friends and family. I am always blown away at how fast the holidays fly by each year. Believe it or not, before we know it, we will be going through the fun again at the end of this year!

Some reminders as we head into the second half of fourth grade:
  • Please continue to encourage your child to work on their 25 book challenge. I want to see each and every student at our celebration at the end of the year.
  • Please make sure your child is reading each night for at least 20 minutes. Students should be reading for a total of at least 2 hours each week. I have seen a lot of growth in many of the students this year in reading, and I know that can be attributed to their nightly reading. If possible, I would encourage you to read with your child and ask them questions about what they are reading.
  • The weekly homework responses are starting back this week. Please make sure your child completes these at home, and if you have any technology issues then please let me know and I will work with your child on getting it completed in the morning.
  • During this time of the year, our expectations for students are increasing when it comes to academics and behavior. I would encourage you to talk with your child about controlling their talking as we, their teachers, are working hard to provide them with all of the necessary information they need to not only be successful on the Milestone tests but also in 5th grade and beyond. It is critical that the students are equally as engaged and dedicated to their learning as their teachers. Excess talking and inappropriate behaviors during instruction negatively impact their own learning and the learning of others.

I look forward to working with you for the remainder of the school year to ensure your child is successful in fourth grade.

On Thursday we will be taking our field trip to the Safety Village. Please make sure your child wears their class t-shirt (under layers if necessary) and dresses appropriately for the weather! We will be going outside rain or shine. Also, please make sure your child wears tennis shoes. If your child is bringing a lunch, please make sure it is in a bag that can be thrown away. If you have any questions, please let me know!

I hope you all have a great week!