Friday, November 22, 2019

Week of December 2nd Update

Good afternoon parents,
I cannot believe it is already Thanksgiving break!

After the break in…
Reading: We will be discussing myths and reading several examples of each. We will discuss how we see allusions in myths, such as Pandora’s Box and Achilles Heel.
Writing: Students will work on their final drafts of their opinion essays.
Word Work: Students will be given the lesson 9 vocabulary words. We will also be discussing prepositions and prepositional phrases.
Homework: Students should read each night for 20 minutes and be working on their 25 book challenge reports.

  • On Tuesday, December 3rd we go on our Safety Village field trip. Please make sure your child wears their class t-shirt, tennis shoes, and other weather appropriate clothes. We will be going outside!

If you find your child needs some educational time over the break, please encourage them to read, study math facts, or login to Education Galaxy.

I sincerely am so thankful for your little turkeys. I hope each of you have a fantastic and very restful week with friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 8, 2019

Week of November 11th Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you all had a wonderful week!

Next week in…
Reading: We will be discussing firsthand and secondhand accounts. We will read several examples of each account.
Word Work: We will continue to discuss conjunctions. There will be an assessment on Friday, November 15th. Students will receive their lesson 8 vocabulary words. The quiz will be THURSDAY, November 21st. I will post these on my blog as well.
Writing: We will continue to work on opinion writing and using the OREO strategy to organize our essays.
Homework: Students should bring home their word work journal each night and study their vocabulary words as well as review our other word work concept each week. Please help remind students to bring their journals back to school each day as we do use them on a daily basis. Students should also read for at least 20 minutes each night. Please remind your students to work on their book reviews.

  • Please sign and return permission forms for the Fire Safety Village as soon as possible. If you would like to be a chaperone on our Fire Safety Field Trip on December 3rd, please let me know. We can only bring one, so if there are multiple parents who want to come, I will do a name drawing. Let me know by Monday, November 11th if you are interested in attending. 
  • As a reminder, students should return their graded work packet that is sent home in their Thursday folder each week. These packets should be signed and returned by Tuesday of the following week. The graded work should remain stapled to the slip of paper.
  • Please remind your students to wear their class t- shirt on Monday along with pants with a pocket for our Veteran’s day performance.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!