Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 12

Please see below for a change in the science tests for next week!

This week in…
Spelling: We took our spelling quiz this morning.
Grammar: We discussed capitalization rules.
Reading: In reading we discussed point of view. We read two different books, one written in first person point of view and another written in third person point of view.
Writing: The kids have continued to work on opinion/persuasive writing. We looked at some Scholastic News Debate articles on various topics and the kids were able to choose a side.
Science: We wrapped up our discussion on simple machines.
Math: We learned about the different multiplication properties and division rules. We also began discussing factors and multiples.

Next week in…
Spelling: There will be a new spelling list for next week. The kiddos will write these words down in their agenda on Monday. Mrs. Burns will give her kiddos their list.
Reading: We will continue to discuss point of view. There will be a quiz on Friday.
Writing: The kids will begin writing their opinion essays.
Science: We will take the Forces & Motion test on WEDNESDAY and the Simple Machine test on FRIDAY. This is a change from what was originally stated. We decided doing both on the same day would be too much. The kids were given their study guides yesterday. The Forces & Motion study guide should be complete by Monday so we can discuss the answers.
Math: We will begin multiplying one digit numbers.

I will be submitting a Scholastic book order on Monday. Please have your orders in by midnight on Sunday. I can only submit an order if $20 worth of books has been purchased. Please use our class code when ordering so we can get books for our classroom library! Our class code is Q79JX. Follow the link to take you to the Scholastic website Books make for some great Christmas gifts! J

On Monday we will be having our fall centers. Please send in $3 if you haven’t already to cover the cost of the materials. Students should NOT dress up on Monday.

Just a reminder, November 8th is Election Day and also a teacher workday.

Chick-Fil-A Chicken Biscuits will be sold on Friday November 4th.

I hope you have a great weekend and as always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns

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