Friday, February 8, 2019

Week of February 11th Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you had a great week!

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will be discussing an author’s reasons for a claim they have written. This week your child was given a pink sheet in their agenda that should be signed that will update you on the progress of their 25 Book Challenge.
  • Writing: We will be looking at paired passages and answering questions using information from both passages.
  • Word Work: We will be discussing quotation marks and when they should be used. There will be an assessment on Friday. Students will also be assessed on their lesson 13 vocabulary words on Friday as well. If you know your child will not be here or will be checked out early next Friday, please let me know so I can have them take their assessments before they leave. I would hate to have them come back Monday after the break and have to remember what we talked about 2 weeks before! Thank you 😊

  • On Thursday we will be having our Valentine exchange. We have 26 students in our class. If your child is going to pass out Valentines, please make sure they have enough for everyone in the class. Students are not required to make a Valentine box, unless they want to make one! A bag will do just fine if that’s the route you would prefer to take!
  • Students should have their Homework Response #13 completed by Monday.

If you have any questions, please let me know! 

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