Friday, January 27, 2017

Week 22

Good afternoon!

We all had so much fun at the Fire Safety Village! The kids were all smiles all day long!

Next week in…
Spelling: NONE
Grammar: Prepositional phrases
Reading: Fables
Writing: Character opinion writing
Science: Stars/Planets/Moon (Test THURSDAY)
Math: Adding mixed numbers

-          The kids will be taking their Fire Safety Post-Test on Wednesday. This will be a health grade so they do need to study. I told them to bring home their Fire Safety Workbook.
-          I decided to move the science test to Thursday to give the kids an extra day to study.
-          We will be exchanging Valentines on Valentine’s Day. Information will go home in the Thursday folders next week (which I will send home Monday- it has just been one of those weeks!)
-          Writing Fair writing is due to me on February 6th.
-          Make sure your child is reading each night and is recording their reading on their reading log. I will be checking for these on Monday. If your child is with me for reading, they were told about the summary they should write. They should follow the somebody, wanted, but, so, then strategy and then turn that into a paragraph which should be at least 5 sentences. I told them they can turn it in any day during the week, but I will be checking for them on Friday.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Week 21

Good afternoon!

I hope you all had a wonderful week!

Next week in…
Spelling: New spelling words, two spelling BINGO activities due Friday, and quiz Friday
Grammar: NONE
Reading: Myths
Writing: Writing about characters in books
Science: Moon phases
Math: Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators

-          If your child is purchasing Chick-Fil-A for the Fire Safety Village, the money is due Monday!!! If we do not have the money by Monday, they will need to have a packed lunch or buy a lunch.
-          We go to the Fire Safety Village on Wednesday January 25th. Please have your child wear their class t-shirt. If it is cold, you may want to put a long sleeve shirt on under it. Make sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather and they MUST wear tennis shoes since we will be outside most of the day and riding around on “go-carts”.

Shout out to Ben Trussell for representing our class in the school Spelling Bee!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Week 21

Hi parents!

Wow! What a crazy week! Although I must say, I could get used to 3 day work weeks.

Next week in…
Spelling: NONE
Grammar: reference materials
Reading: non-fiction text features
Writing: opinion writing about characters in books
Science: stars and planets
Math: fractions

-          No school on Monday!
-          We are taking our field trip to the Fire Safety Village on January 25th.
-          Don’t forget, we are now selling breakfast! Let your child sleep in a few extra minutes and they can grab breakfast at school!

Have a wonderful, long weekend!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hi parents!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and I hope 2017 is going smoothly for you so far! My break consisted of sleeping in, not changing out of my pajamas, and wedding planning!

Thank you all again for being so generous with your gifts, they were all very appreciated.

As we begin the second half of the year, I will be implementing some small changes that will only help your child grow. On Monday, the students will receive a reading log where they will record their 2 hours of reading each week. They had previously recorded their hours in their agenda, however I found that it was too difficult to keep up with in their agenda and I feel a reading log will be more sufficient. There is a more detailed letter attached to the reading log that will help explain this a little better. The reading log is mandatory for all students.

Also, once a week the students (ONLY those that are with me for reading) will be required to write a summary about the book they are reading. The summary should be 5-7 sentences and the students should know the strategy we use for summarizing (Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then). This must be completed at home and they may turn these in whenever they want throughout the week, but I will be checking for completion AND A PARENT SIGNATURE every Friday.

-         Report cards will be sent home this Friday.
-         On Wednesday January 25th we will be going to the Fire Safety Village. Please make sure you turn in both the permission form AND the informed consent paper. I must have both in order for your child to attend.

I am looking forward to starting this next half of our school year. I have seen huge growth in each student and they are truly the reason I love coming to work each day. May is going to be here before we know it!

I hope you have a great rest of your week!