Friday, March 22, 2019

Week of March 25th Update

Good afternoon parents,
Wow! I was so blown away by the kids and their VIP presentations! For those of you that were able to make it, I hope you were able to see your child’s hard work that they have put in for this project. For those of you that could not make it, know that your child’s hard work did not go unnoticed!

Next week in…
  • Reading and Writing: We will be doing Milestone preparation review. We will be reading several passages and answering questions about the passages. Students will also practice writing constructed and extended responses.
  • Word Work: Students will take their vocabulary quiz on Monday.

  • We will be taking our class picture on Monday. The kiddos had great practice a few weeks ago and they all looked so nice, so let’s repeat that (just without the flooding please 😊)!
  • You should be able to view your child’s report card on Parent Vue as of today.

If you would like your child to participate in the Talent Show, here are two links to help you sign up.
PTSA website:  (where the link can be found)

I hope you all have a great week!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Week of March 18th Update

Good afternoon parents,
I hope you have all had a wonderful week. It is so nice to finally be back in our rooms!

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will continue to discuss poetry.
  • Word Work: We will be taking the vocabulary quiz on Monday, March 25th.
  • Writing: We will be finishing up our VIP projects!

I wanted to make some revisions to the due dates that I sent out the other day, I apologize for the confusion but I feel this will be best to help us be prepared by Friday morning. 
VIP Due Dates:
  • Question Cards. Question Box, & memorized answers: Due Wednesday
  • Poster: Students can bring these in on Wednesday OR Thursday. We will begin setting up Thursday afternoon, so we will need all posters by Thursday. Sorry for this change!
  • Costumes: Due Friday
  • Souvenirs (optional): Due Friday

You are invited to the VIP Tea in our classroom on Friday, March 22nd from 8:30-9:15. We hope you can come out and see all the hard work your child has put into their projects!

Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Friday, March 8, 2019

Week of March 11th Update

Good afternoon parents,
What. A. Week. I have to compliment the kids again, because they continued to do a fabulous job this week despite our classrooms being in a different location. I also appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we worked through this unforeseen circumstance.

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will be reviewing the elements of poetry and reading through several pieces of poetry.
  • Word Work: Students will receive a new list of vocabulary words. This quiz will be on Monday, March 25th.
  • Writing: We will be working on our VIP projects. Most students are working on their essays at this point. I will be checking off on the questions and answers for the Homework Response #15 on Monday.

  • Please be working on the assignments that need to be completed at home for the VIP project. Please see my email from last week with picture examples.
  • I still am not aware of a new date for our spring pictures. I will let you know the new date as soon as possible!
  • The stage will be closed next week as it is being prepared for the 5th grade musical, therefore students are not allowed to have visitors for lunch. I apologize for this inconvenience.
  • Wednesday is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 12:30.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Week of March 4th Update

Good afternoon parents,
We had a fun week celebrating Dr. Seuss week! I loved seeing the kids get dressed up each day.

Next week in…
  • Reading: We will be reading and discussing a variety of folktales.
  • Writing: Students will continue to research their VIP.
  • Word Work: Our vocabulary lesson 14 quiz will be on THURSDAY.

  • Picture day is on Monday. We will be taking our class picture this day. Even if you are not purchasing individual pictures for your child, please make sure your child is dressed nicely for our class picture. Thank you!
  • Science Day is on Friday, March 8th. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of science activities. It will be so much fun!
  • Please help your child complete the various tasks that are required to be completed at home for our VIP project. As stated on the sheet that was sent home earlier in the week, students should be working on their souvenirs (these are optional), costume, poster, question box, and questions (12),
  • I do have to check off on the 12 questions that students write for their VIP project. I am checking the first five questions on the Homework Response #14 which is due Monday. For Homework Response #15, students will be writing the remaining 7 questions. This will be due March 11th. Please do not have your child officially start writing their question cards and memorizing the answers until they have gotten approval for all 12 questions from me. Thank you!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!