Friday, January 27, 2017

Week 22

Good afternoon!

We all had so much fun at the Fire Safety Village! The kids were all smiles all day long!

Next week in…
Spelling: NONE
Grammar: Prepositional phrases
Reading: Fables
Writing: Character opinion writing
Science: Stars/Planets/Moon (Test THURSDAY)
Math: Adding mixed numbers

-          The kids will be taking their Fire Safety Post-Test on Wednesday. This will be a health grade so they do need to study. I told them to bring home their Fire Safety Workbook.
-          I decided to move the science test to Thursday to give the kids an extra day to study.
-          We will be exchanging Valentines on Valentine’s Day. Information will go home in the Thursday folders next week (which I will send home Monday- it has just been one of those weeks!)
-          Writing Fair writing is due to me on February 6th.
-          Make sure your child is reading each night and is recording their reading on their reading log. I will be checking for these on Monday. If your child is with me for reading, they were told about the summary they should write. They should follow the somebody, wanted, but, so, then strategy and then turn that into a paragraph which should be at least 5 sentences. I told them they can turn it in any day during the week, but I will be checking for them on Friday.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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