Friday, December 8, 2017

Week 17 Update

Good afternoon!
Only 8 more school days until break! Woohoo!!!

·       If your child was unable to attend the Penguin Patch on Monday, there will be a makeup day for all students this Monday, December 11th. This will be the very last day they can shop. Please send in money with your child and designate how much money they should be spending on each family member.
·       We will be having our class book exchange during our holiday party on December 15th. Please send in a wrapped book with your child no later than Wednesday, December 13th. Girls will be exchanging books with girls, and boys will be exchanging books with boys. So, as you are finding books, please find one that you think a 4th grade boy or girl would enjoy. Books do not have to be brand new, however they must be in good condition. Remember, this will be a new book to another child.
·       Our holiday party will be on December 15th at 12:00. You are welcome to come join us for some holiday fun!
·       Our reading focus for next week will be text structures and our writing focus will be opinion writing.
·       We are finished with vocabulary and the no excuse words for this year! We will pick back up in January.

I hope you all make it home safely on this crazy day! Have a great weekend!

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