Friday, December 21, 2018

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

Good afternoon,
How can the year be halfway over?! We had such a fun holiday party on Wednesday and I appreciate all the donations and volunteer help that was given to help pull off this awesome party!

  • Students return to school on Monday, January 7th.
  • We will go to the Fire Safety Village on January 10th. Please dress your child in appropriate clothing based on the weather. We will have to go outside, rain or shine. Students should wear their class t-shirts (under layers if needed) as well as tennis shoes.
  • Please sign the purple paper that was stapled in your child’s agenda updating you on your child’s progress with their 25 Book Challenge.

We are running low on tissues in my classroom, if you are out and about over the break and wouldn’t mind picking up a box or two, we would greatly appreciate it! The sniffle season has already begun and will continue to be in full swing when we return from break! Thanks in advance.

I am so appreciative of all the gifts that were given to me this week! You all are so sweet to think of me during this very busy holiday season. I wish you and your family safe travels over the break, and I hope you are able to enjoy this holiday season with your families. Cherish each and every moment and don’t sweat the small stuff, because one day you will miss this craziness!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year!

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