Monday, October 7, 2019

Week of October 7th Update

Don't forget to sign up for a conference via the link I sent in my email last Monday. I look forward to meeting with you next week!
This Thursday, October 10th is an early release day. 
What are we learning?
Reading:  Students will be learning how to explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, bases on explicit information from the text.  We will have a quiz on Friday.
Word Work: Students received new vocabulary words last Monday.  These ten words were glued into their word work journal.  Students should bring their journal home every night to study their words.  We will have a vocabulary test on Friday, October 11th.  We will be learning about the proper order of adjectives.  We will have a quiz on Wednesday, October 9th.
Writing:  We will continue to focus on writing narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique and descriptive details.  Students are working on revising and editing.
What about homework?  All homework assignments should be written in the agenda daily. Each night students should read 20 minutes and study their vocabulary words.

Megan Hall

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